LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment

Grapefruit against stress and psoriasis

grapefruit good for stress

Diet and psoriasis

Often referred to as pomelo on our market shelves, Grapefruit (its real name Citrus x paradisi) is a powerful agent against psoriasis triggers such as digestive disorders or stress. Just like our Detox and Zen capsules relieve psoriasis, you will know more about the trigger factors, see this section.

To act effectively against the stress and improve digestive functions, directly responsible for skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis, consider our Detox and Zen Capsules. They are plant-based and made from natural ingredients.


Grapefruit for psoriasis: benefits on the digestive system

Grapefruit is a basic food that activates detoxification by helping to restore balance to the digestive organs by stimulating the liver and reviving the appetite! Do not hesitate to also consult our article to detoxify your body thanks to prune-based cure.

Make your little potion, here is our very simple recipe: add 5 to 7 drops of grapefruit juice to a bottle of water. You can drink this mixture throughout the day.

Be careful though! Grapefruit is a great enzyme inducer and it should be used with great caution (see contraindicated) with many medications such as certain thinners, chemotherapy, anti-infectives, anti-cholesterolemia, etc.).

Discover our file on good eating habits.


Grapefruit for psoriasis, against stress

Dark thoughts, stress, doubts, discomfort? Grapefruit, just like lime tree, helps revive the balance and harmony your body needs. It revives intuition and creativity. Take a slow, deep breath over the bottle of essential oil and you're done.


Grapefruit slows down hypertension

Grapefruit and its benefits on stress and hypertensionIngesting pure, fresh grapefruit juice stimulates blood thinning. Grapefruit thus proves to be an excellent natural remedy against hypertension, provided of course that you also follow all the classic advice against hypertension: avoid stress, eat healthy, etc.

However, the ideal is to consume grapefruit naturally. Consume it whole fruit you will thus benefit from all its virtues.



Recipe ideas based on grapefruit, against stress and psoriasis

Because there is nothing more effective for relaxing than cooking a good original recipe, here is a small selection:

Hélène's grapefruit fondant

Ingredients: 100 g butter, 100 g sugar + 1 or 2 teaspoons, 100 g flour, 2 eggs (or 1 egg and 2 very large tablespoons of mascarpone), 1 teaspoon yeast (1/ 2 sachet), 20 cl of pink grapefruit (= the juice of 1 grapefruit, in general).


Preheat the oven to thermostat 6 (180°C).
Mix the sugar and eggs in a salad bowl.
Add the flour and yeast, mix well.
Then add 10 cl of grapefruit juice, then the melted butter.
Butter a springform pan and pour the mixture into it.
Place in the oven (still at thermostat 6/180°C) for 30 minutes.

As soon as it comes out of the oven, unmold the cake and pour over the remaining grapefruit juice sweetened with 1 or 2 teaspoons of sugar, depending on taste.
Let cool and enjoy.
Can be done the day before.

Grapefruit and Avocado Chicken Salad

for stress and psoriasis chicken salad avocado grapefruitIngredients: 300 g grilled chicken, 2 avocados, 2 pink grapefruits, 1 punnet of lamb's lettuce, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, pepper, salt.


Cut the chicken fillets into small pieces, brown them well in butter in a pan. Let cool.
In a salad bowl, place the lamb's lettuce, the diced avocados, the grapefruit flesh (empty them out with a teaspoon), then the chicken pieces.
Make a vinaigrette with the oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and pour into the salad.

Serve chilled.

Grapefruit Smoothie

grapefruit smoothieIngredients: 2 oranges, 2 grapefruits, 100 g strawberries, 2 0% natural yogurts, almost 1 glass of water.


Peel the oranges and grapefruits.
Wash and hull the strawberries.
Mix the fruit with the yogurts in the blinder bowl.
Add the water little by little, until you obtain the desired smoothie consistency.

Serve and enjoy.




Health passport
Recipes from Marmiton.org
Amourdecuisine.fr, smoothie recipe

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