LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment

Psoriasis and digestion: basic acids

the role of basic acids in psoriasis


Psoriasis-digestion: 2 data which are often closely linked. The body must constantly manage basic intakes and acid intakes linked to our diet or our metabolism. Our health and the proper functioning of our immune system depend on our body's ability to maintain this balance. Thus, a deficiency can cause the onset of skin diseases such as psoriasis. Discover in this context our Detox and Zen capsules to relieve stress and soothe digestion.


What is psoriasis and what are its symptoms?

An autoimmune disease

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease caused by a dysfunction of the immune system. Its evolution is unpredictable and alternates phases of flare-ups and remissions. The skin interprets any contact as an attack and will defend itself by overproducing epidermal cells forming what we call scales. This defense mechanism thus leads to cell renewal over 4 to 6 days instead of 28.

A disease that can affect the entire body including the scalp, hands, feet, elbows.

There are no rules with psoriasis and some people can have mild to severe psoriasis with the whole body affected: hair, legs, feet, hands, nails, armpits, genitals... Some people can also suffer from psoriasis. arthritic psoriasis.

Symptoms: itching, redness, plaques, scales

The psoriasis symptoms are diverse. There are several types of psoriasis. The disease will manifest itself by the formation of thick, red and scaly plaques. Since psoriatic skin is suffering, it is often very dry, the result of more rapid dehydration of the skin. This will cause itching. In addition to the visual appearance of skin lesions, the need to scratch can really have a very difficult psychological impact for those affected.

What is the body's acid-base balance? Impact on psoriasis.

You have certainly already heard of pH? The body's pH is closely linked to the concept of acid-base balance. But what does this really mean?

Hydrogen potential, or pH, measures the acidity or basicity of a solution. In an aqueous medium at 25°C, if the pH is equal to 7, we will speak of “neutral pH”. A solution with a pH less than 7 is acidic (too acidic) and a solution with a pH greater than 7 is basic. And the more acidic the environment, the more irritating and even aggressive it is.

The constituents of our cells only function optimally at a given pH. Indeed, in the body, the blood pH is constant and is between 7,36 and 7,42. If this varies, the cells can no longer perform their role and functions.

Fortunately, things are done well and our body ensures that it constantly maintains its acid-base balance (acid-base) by using very efficient buffer and regulation systems. To combat variation factors and get rid of acidic waste, the kidneys and lungs play a vital role.

The activity of the kidneys and lungs, essential to ensure acid-base balance

The kidneys work to eliminate strong acids: these acids mainly come from the breakdown of animal proteins. The lungs are responsible for eliminating weak acids which mainly come from the breakdown of plant proteins. Finally, the skin plays the role of secondary emunctory by participating in the elimination of acid waste through perspiration.

But the activity of the kidneys and lungs is limited in quantity. We must therefore avoid overloading them so as not to disrupt the acid-base balance.

What happens when the body is no longer able to maintain acid-base balance?


Psoriasis and digestion: what is the disruption of the acid-base balance?

A food can be either acidic or basic. When the body receives and produces more acidic waste than it can eliminate (the kidneys and lungs have limited activity), the acid-base balance is disrupted. Our current lifestyle as well as the modern diet imposed by the food industry constitute the main factors of excess acidity in our body.

What type of food should you choose when you have psoriasis?

Our diet is in fact composed mainly of acidic foods while an ideal diet requires a greater consumption of basic foods such as vegetables (such as the cabbage), They whole fruits, dried fruits or cold-extracted virgin oils, as well as acidic foods.

What food should you not eat when you have psoriasis? Is coffee bad for psoriasis?

Among acidic foods we find animal proteins, namely meat and dairy products that we consume in excess, as well as sweets or even coffee, alcohol and tobacco. Contrary to what one might think, fruits such as grapefruit or lemon are basic and non-acidic foods!

What water to drink when you have psoriasis?

There is no specific type of water to drink or not drink when you have psoriasis. But of course consumption of water rather than just sugar is to be preferred. Also avoid alcoholic beverages, as alcohol has an impact on liver permeability. On the other hand, be careful not to use water that is too hard when showering because the presence of mineral crystals tends to dry out the skin and therefore be conducive to the appearance of psoriasis.

Short and medium term consequences

The body is no longer able to maintain the acid-base balance, therefore, it is broken. Excess acids are carried by the blood and stored in connective tissue, which supports and connects organs together.

In the long term, this affects oxygen transport and cell nutrition. To defend itself and rebalance things, the body will draw on its reserves of neutralizing molecules. For example calcium carbonate, magnesium, potassium. However, over time, these repeated withdrawals of mineral reserves make the body sick. The “looting” of alkaline minerals obviously cannot last long without leading to a progressive demineralization of the body. This demineralization results in poor assimilation of nutrients and poor management of toxins.


Understand the link between the disruption of the acid-base balance and psoriasis?

Due to this acid-base imbalance (acid attack and demineralization), the immune system is weakened. The psoriasis-digestion couple can form. The immune system can only weakly defend the body. This constitutes a breeding ground for the appearance of many diseases. The skin and mucous membranes, irritated and attacked, are no longer able to fulfill their role against microbial infiltration, the tissues are irritated and inflamed.

Where does psoriasis come from? Psoriasis is a genetic disease with trigger factors

Psoriasis is a genetic disease triggered by many factors. There are mainly two types of psoriasis triggers :

  • Stress, anxiety, experiencing emotional shock. Also discover our article on psoriasis and stress.
  • Deficient digestive functions.

In an acidic environment, nervousness, stress, depression and anxiety develop. Also, individuals whose acid-base balance is not respected often face digestion problems. Here again, psoriasis-digestion, the duel begins. Stomach reflux, bloating, heartburn are the most common symptoms. There is therefore a very close link between the onset of psoriasis and the acid-base balance. See our article on prune and its nutritional values.


Conclusion on psoriasis and digestion

Today, it is everyone's responsibility to do everything possible to maintain this balance. Because maintaining an acidity level helps the body function harmoniously.

What treatment to prevent psoriasis flare-ups?

To give your body a little boost, LM Natura has developed for you Detox and Zen capsules. These capsules are only plant-based (linden, lemon balm, escholtzia, radiola). They help the body to act on the triggering factors of psoriasis. On the one hand, they help to provide a feeling of calm and well-being. On the other hand, they act to contribute to the proper functioning of your digestive functions. Enough to feel good naturally.



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