LM Natura psoriasis natural treatment

Lithotherapy, for skin problems

using stones to treat eczema

Eczema is a skin condition whose different causes determine the symptoms. It exists different types of eczema : atopic, allergic, contact, vascular stasis, dyshidrosis, seborrheic dermatitis. They are determined by a different cause and their symptoms are specific.


The use of stones as alternative medicine

By using stones, minerals or even crystals, the therapist takes a holistic approach to care. Lithotherapy is recognized in certain cultures and in different circles. According to this approach, the stones would naturally emit vibrations and energies capable of improving human well-being.

We still need to be receptive to this type of practice which requires a total open-mindedness and an attraction to alternative medicines. This is treatment (therapy) using stones (litho). This is a so-called alternative or pseudo-science medicine, which can make some people smile and which is practiced very seriously by others.

The energy of stones at the service of skin problems

Each stone has a specific composition offering specific energy to improve our state of mind, our well-being or our physical health. Mental discomfort, stress, sleep or digestive disorders, are, among other things, ailments that can be resolved thanks to lithotherapy. In case of digestive problems, also consider the daisy, thanks to its depurative effect, it allows the evacuation of toxins and other waste. Some of them have properties capable of treating skin diseases such as eczema.

The choice of a stone is also something very personal. It is often said that it is the stone that chooses us and not the other way around. This stone must attract you, a connection must be made by sight or touch. You can recommend lithotherapy to someone who you think needs it, but avoid buying one for them.


How to maintain the benefits of stones for the skin

the energy of stones to soothe eczemaStones change over time, hence the importance of taking care of them. By dint of using them they can also become drained of their energy or filled with too high a concentration of bad energies. They must then be cleaned through “purification” or “recharged” so that they can recharge with good energies.

For the majority of stones we recommend demineralized water, sometimes salty. But the stones are capricious and each requires specific maintenance: during the night, under the full moon, just by rinsing or by leaving to soak for long hours...


Each stone has its use and virtue

Each stone is unique, giving them a specific use. We adapt the use according to the type of stone, its weight, its size; depending on the person and the pathology to be treated. A stone can thus be used very well during a massage, be positioned motionless for a certain time on the chakras or be slipped under a pillow during the night.

In certain cases, the stone must always be kept on the person, so choose it small and slip it into your pocket or wear it as a pendant on a necklace. This use is called “the accompanying stone ».

" The healing stone » as for it is kept in the palm of hands joined in prayer. We serve it loudly but peacefully for about fifteen minutes while relaxing and closing our eyes.
On the skin: pressed by your hand on a specific place indicating pain, burning or discomfort.

The potion ", yes, make your magic potion at home! Leave the stone to soak overnight in demineralized water and drink it on an empty stomach when you wake up.

The energetic use for rebalancing or letting go will locate the powerful energy points in our body: the energy doors and the chakras.


Some examples of stones against eczema

Blue Calcite, excellent for reducing stress and fatigue

Blue calcite, healing stone for eczemaOriginally from Madagascar, blue calcite is already visually relaxing and soft with its pale blue color. It is related to the throat chakra and the heart chakra. We choose it in order to find serenity, fluidity and a more relaxed mind.

Concretely, it therefore makes it possible to unblock the knots located at the level of the throat, symbolic of dialogue, which will make verbal communication easier and more fluid. It will also help reduce stress, a factor in many health problems these days. Blue calcite will also help you get restful sleep. It is cleansed in salt-free water and recharged on a quartz or amethyst mat.


Lapis lazuli, against skin rashes and allergic reactions

lapis lazuli, healing stone for eczemaIt is a stone that has been highly coveted for centuries in different fields and especially in jewelry. Often compared to sapphire, this blue stone is rare and veins of pyrites run through it, suggesting flakes of gold.

Lithotherapists report its stimulating effect on creativity, concentration and productivity. Its strength would be to resolve skin problems such as rash such as eczema or allergic manifestations. Discover our article on allergic eczema. It is also recommended for vision problems. If you need balance and calming, this stone is for you. It is also a stone recommended for asthmatics.

It is cleaned with demineralized water. For purification, immerse the stone in water and milk and leave to act overnight in a glass bowl (avoid plastic). The Lapis Lazuli stone recharges thanks to sunlight.

Quartz, relieving digestive disorders source of imperfections

Quartz, healing stone for eczemaThis stone is also called rock crystal and is a stone whose etymology is difficult to trace between “bad minerals” or “excrescence”. Used since prehistoric times, we can find this stone today in our computers or our watches, because it has piezoelectric properties.

Its power: being in perfect harmony with our body, it also strengthens other minerals. A symbol of purity, quartz is ideal for meditation and allows you to socialize and relieve stress. You will also be able to relieve small digestive problems that may be the cause of the appearance of eczema.

Quartz is purified under tap water or immersed in a container of water. Just charge it in sunlight.


Aventurine, effective against eczema

Aventurine, healing stone for eczemaAventurine is a variety of quartz, most often it is the green one that we talk about the most. It takes its name from the Latin adventura, “what must happen” and in Old French “destiny”. This etymology is perfectly reflected in the psychic benefits of the stone, on the mind and projection into the future. She encourages decision-making. In addition, it brings inner peace and perseverance. Furthermore, it soothes anxiety. Finally, it allows you to see your long-term projects in a clear and lucid way.

It is the stone which would be the most efficient against skin problems and in particular eczema. In this case, it is to be used as an elixir. Leave the aventurine to soak overnight in clear water and rinse the affected parts of the skin with it. To reinforce this action, it can be used combined with peridot.

Aventurine recharges thanks to its regular exposure to the sun.


Our readers also consulted:

Causes and Natural Solutions for Eczema

Eczema and tele-dermatology



Lithotherapy, www.pierres-lithotherapie.com
Health passport, Lithotherapy,
Psychology, Lithotherapy: 10 stones that do us good

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